John Renner PhD Student @ UCSD

Baby Steps: Fixing Test Scoping

01 August 2018

I recently set out to fix a bug in #[test] expansion in Rust. What follows is a chronicle of that journey.

The Bug

When rustc encounters a #[test] attribute it will do one of two things:

This is typically safe because direct references to #[test] will cause errors in any mode where the function is removed.

Enter glob imports. Statements like use my_mod::* allow us to import an entire namespace into another without naming the specific items. We now have the requisite pieces to construct the bug:

mod A {
    pub fn foo() -> i32 { 0 }

mod B {
    fn foo() -> i32 { 6 }

use A::foo;
use B::*;

fn caller() {
    assert_eq!(foo(), 0);

When compiled normally, use B::* does nothing and the assert inside caller will always pass. When compiled for test, however, B::foo will be marked as public, which will cause use B::* to shadow the foo we got from A::foo. Our assert now fails saying that 6 does not equal 0. This means caller behaves differently in test builds which is undesirable. Worse still, it happens due to an implementation detail in the compiler that authors should never worry about.

The Fix

The Constraint: Test functions must be made public but they must also not pollute other namespaces.

The Solution: Give test functions a name that can never exist in user code.

Rust has an internal mechanism called gensym that allows the creation of guaranteed unique names. If we rename test functions with a gensym’d name, then it’s okay for them to pollute namespaces because it’s impossible to reference them.

Just renaming isn’t enough though, because rust currently allows one test to call another. While I think this is a terrible thing to allow, we do and so must continue to allow it. We then need to add the old name back into the namespace. Just add a use [gensymed] as foo to add foo back to our namespace.

The Nitty Gritty: While the theory behind this fix is sound, simply implementing it didn’t work the way I’d expected. I first attempted to implement the change inside libsyntax’s TestHarnessGenerator, but this resulted in strange errors about not being able to find imports despite the AST and HIR being correct. While it seems obvious now, it took me a week to figure out this was because harness generation runs midway through name resolution.

As a reminder, name resolution is the process by which the compiler realizes that the variable x at one location, is talking about the same variable as an x somewhere else in the code.

A good chunk of name resolution occurs during macro expansion in libsyntax/ext/ In fact, this was already where tests were being made pub. What I had originally discounted as a design mistake, was actually crucial to correct operation. With a quick reimplementation everything worked great. I realized I’d forgotten to account for the unused variable lints, but that was a quick fix.

You can see the result in this pull request.

Afterword: Why Write About This

Honestly, very few people will get much out of this post, but being lost in a complex open-source project can be disheartening at the very least. By discussing these esoteric bits, I hope I can help someone who gets stuck in similar bits of code in the future, or maybe just assure them that it’s common to feel lost. As always, feel free to reach out if you have questions.