John Renner PhD Student @ UCSD

CT-Wasm Conference Presentation

10 February 2019

Proposal: Rust Custom Test Frameworks

06 August 2018

The Rust community recently approved a Custom Test Frameworks eRFC which lays out a series of goals and possible directions of exploration for implementing custom test frameworks. In this post, I present my own proposed fulfillment of the RFC with rationale.

Baby Steps: Fixing Test Scoping

01 August 2018

I recently set out to fix a bug in #[test] expansion in Rust. What follows is a chronicle of that journey.

#[test] in 2018

19 July 2018

Lately, I’ve been working implementing the Custom Test Frameworks eRFC for Rust. While exploring the compiler codebase, I’ve learned about the internals of testing in Rust and figured it would be interesting to share.